[Gpdd] HEALTH: re: list of foods to avoid

Susan Eastin susan at boatlift.com
Wed Nov 5 14:27:33 EST 2003

That is valuable to have a list like that - more important, I feel, to know
what is harmful than safe foods, when you think about it.
I bought a great GP book soon after Snowy came to our home, and it has an
entire page, small print, of things to avoid.  It is enough to make you
paranoid, but better safe than sorry.  If I'm not sure about something, we
skip it.
But I have one question regarding your list. You said no flowers of any
kind, but what about the dainty little clover flowers?  Snowy considers
these an absolute delicacy, next to dandelion leaves.  So are these the
exception?  They never get more than 2-3 at a time, and never seem to have
any problems from it.
Susi and the Okie Piggies
Snowy & CocoPuff

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