[Gpdd] [Silly] Piggie secrete santa

Amelia Robertson akhorse at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 20 21:50:39 EST 2003

Hi Every one, but espiacially the Okie Pigs!
Pigge Secrete Santa is just like the human game: Instead of giving hifts to 
every one (slightly $) you put names in a hat. Then you draw names, say Bob 
gets Sally and Fred gets Bob and Sally gets Fred. Sally buys a present for 
Fred, Bob buys a present for Sally, and Fred buys a present for Bob, and 
Sally buys a present for Fred. This is so every body buys one present 
instead of two!
That was confusing, wasn't it? Probobly. Hopefully you get the gist though! 
We have many names on the list. The draw date is December 1st, so be sure to 
get your name in BEFORE then! Then, on December 26th,  you find out who your 
secrete santa is! Yeah! Anyone can sign up, so please do Gifts must be 
under10$ and we prefer homeade ones! (no clacking running teath!)
Thanks,Mia and Honey Dew, Head od Secrete Santa Club

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