[Gpdd] Re: Health: Fatty Tumors

Carla Martinez cmartinez36 at houston.rr.com
Sun Sep 21 16:57:49 EDT 2003

Although I don't have an answer to Dee's question about the fatty tumors on
Annie, I want to add my experience to what she wrote. My silkie pig Snickers
is 14 months old. Last February or March I first noticed a small lump near
his shoulder. Our vet did an aspiration and she said the lump wasn't full of
fluid as she expected, but instead was more solid. She sent the material to
the lab and it came back benign. She called it a "hair matrix cyst." It
sounds like it might be the same thing Annie has, and I am also interested
in other people's experience. I did not think to ask the vet if Snickers may
get others. The lump has gotten bigger to the size of half a marble. But the
doctor said she would leave it alone as long as he shows no signs of it
bothering him.

By the way, cheers to Leah and Brownie Bear for making it through the
hurricane so bravely. And happy birthday!

Carla, Snickers and Snowball

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