[Gpdd] Behavior-- Photo Success!

Bethany Waldrop Keiper keiper at hiwaay.net
Fri Apr 9 02:22:05 EDT 2004

I have not posted in a while, but I have been reading through the digests as
I get time. I wanted to get my girls together for a photo, but didn't know
HOW to do it... I found the key... PARSLEY! Lots of it!

I put it in their basket (I wanted it to be an Easter photo) and they were
absolute jewels, just perfect posing (and munch-munch-munching) angels.
These pigs, three of them (Honey, Teddy, and Precious) live in separate
sections because they would squabble 24-7 otherwise, and the other two,
Silky and Sooty, live together, but Silky is the big BOSS and they have
never been 'formally introduced' to the others. Everyone was shocked that
all those pig behinies fit into one basket, but, let me say, it was a tight
fit and a BIG basket...

Also, I made the 'set' for the photo shoot right on top of their cages, so
they were comfortable, I think. And of course, PARSLEY! That's the key to
good behavior during photos!

Here is the result: http://home.hiwaay.net/~keiper/happyeaster.jpg
Here is my regular piggy pages url, I haven't updated it w/photos of the new
girls yet, though. I hope you all have a great weekend!
Blessings, Bethany and the pig-wigs

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