[Gpdd] Misc: Poivre

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 15 14:26:30 EDT 2004

Don't you dare blame yourself for Poivre's
death! I'm serious. You have done So Much
for Poivre (and all of your Babies for that
matter) and I don't know of a more Loving
and Caring Slave as yourself. I know we have
all been there, trying to think of something
else we could have done to save our piggie's
life, but sometimes, it's just their Time.
And there is nothing and I mean, nothing we
can do to keep them on this Earth. And yes,
I'm probably a hypocrite because to this day,
I blame myself for the death of my Beloved
Amberlea (she also died of a URI/possibly
pneumonia). But, I know deep down that it
wasn't my fault, and it's not your fault
either. I feel for you because you don't
have an experienced Vet to go to (heck, I
gotta drive almost 2 hours to find one myself).
That's got to be terribly frustrating for
you. But, I am relieved that you can at least
contact the CCT and of course your piggie-
savvy friends & family. Trust me, you did the
right thing with Poivre and she knows that you
did Everything you possibly could to keep her
healthy. And I'm sure she went peacefully in
your arms and without pain...

I'm going to write more later this evening
about my experience with URIs/pneumonia. My
story is much like yours, so I know Exactly
what you are going through.

Please accept our Warmest Condolences from
Brownie Bear and me...

      Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps...

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