[Gpdd] [HEALTH] The Effects of Neutering on Impaction?

Lisa B cavylover74 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 21 00:00:36 EDT 2004

To my knowledge boars that have been neutered rarely if ever experience impaction.  That doesn't say they won't but it is rare, mostly older, intact pigs have impaction problems.  
However, with the risks of surgery, I wouldn't put my boar through it unless absolutely necessary.  I would rather clean them out on a daily basis than risk their life.

While browsing various guinea-pig sites online 
I came across something that I thought was 
rather puzzling, but didn't pay much attention 
to. However, as of late it has been something 
I keep coming back to. One website I visited 
claimed that neutering male guinea pigs would 
prevent impaction. Is there any truth in this? 
I personally think it is false, but I do not 
feel completely qualified and wonder if those who 
know more than me might have other comments. 
Thank you for your time. n_n

~ Ducky
(Napoleon arrives April 25th~!)

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