[Gpdd] gpdd(health) hair loss

tinaskir at netzero.com tinaskir at netzero.com
Fri Dec 3 08:08:17 EST 2004

I usually don't write much but I need some advice.  2 days ago I went to check on my Nelly (4 1/2 female) and she had a spot on her nose that had no hair.  There were no sore not red, she let me put some neosporian on it and she was fine.  Yesterday, I check on her after work and she was in her tube and it looked like she had been there a while because there was a pile of poop in there with her.  We had to dump her out the her tube and we gave her a carrot and syringed her some water.  She took to that like a champ.  We put her back and she went back to her tube.  She was out this morning drinking water but she just ain't acting right.  Should I take her to the vet?  She has never been sick before.  I thought that maybe Marshy pulled her hair out, she does like to trim hair.  I don't have any "good vets" around here close.  Please let me know any suggestions!!


Tina and the girls Nelly and Marshy

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