[Gpdd] misc: Secret Santa

Mary Fran McCluskey faststats at faststatschecks.com
Thu Dec 30 13:27:36 EST 2004

Hello Secret Santa (You know who you are!!) --
Cookie here (wheeks!). Santa, you really went over the top. We had such a nice Christmas. Mom dragged the tree and the presents outside, it was so nice out, and me and Brownie got to play outside on the patio almost ALL DAY! Well, we were so excited about the presents! I got the great piggie hidey box (me and Brownie can both fit in it but mostly we take turns), and Brownie got the beautiful stocking with the organic apple sticks. And we loved the pigture of you and Mocha and Cocoa! (Mom's been hitting the cocoa pretty heavily this holiday season. She says it's hard to go back to plain coffee, whatever that is.) Oh, we are such lucky piggies. We love you Santa, and we'll keep being good piggies this year. Our new year's resolution is to spread peace and love however we can.
We hope you and your family and elves have a nice vacation and thank you for making our piggie Christmas so special. We love you!
Oh, oh, here comes mom -- gotta go.
Prrrrrrs and Love, 

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