DebraStory at aol.com DebraStory at aol.com
Fri Jan 9 21:21:22 EST 2004

Susan Eastin - Hi Susan. I'm sorry that you could not access my page.  I 
tried typing it in to access it myself and it came up.  I'm not sure what 
happened, but I will post the URL again just in case I typed something wrong last 
time.  The address is as follows:
You can highlight the address and then go up to "Edit"  and copy the URL.  
Then you can hit "Edit" again and paste it in on the "go to" line on top of the 
screen to make things easier.  Typing such a long address is tedious and it's 
easy to make a mistake.  Therefore, I use the copy, paste method a lot.  I 
will be eager to see your piggies if you set up a page later.  Good luck - I hope 
you can get through this time.  I am eager to see how people like it. 
Wheeeeeeps from Debra, Patches, Peanut and Pumpkin.

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