[Gpdd] CARE carrots and lettuce

Justine Carey uncivilgirl at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 25 17:52:36 EST 2004

OH... I feed honey some carrot every morning..I'm worried about that now! My 
Mum is obsessed w/ growing herbs, so perhaps I'll steal some of her italian 
parsley.  We have issues in Australia at the moment with fresh fruit and 
veges...due to bad weather over the past year, alot of crops have been 
negitively affected and thus the price of some items at the grocery store 
has gone up anywhere between 50% or 500%. It's awfully expensive right now. 
I think I should find a spot in the garden that I can plant veges 
exclusively for Honey...what does everybody think? Will it be worth it?

Lauren - thanks for the ideas of indoor cages for Honey! I had a brief look 
in the pet store recently...and i saw one of them cages used when you are 
taking your cat in the car...perhaps something like that? I have no idea 
what is most convienient.

xx jussy

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