[Gpdd] Misc: Bridge: Motah

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 31 01:03:23 EDT 2004

I can't stop crying. I can't believe that
Motah is at the Bridge. :-( I have been so
busy and I haven't had the chance to write
you back, but I was keeping up with Motah's
process via the Digest. And then, I get the
unsettling news of her passing, and I feel
so horrible. Some of the things you wrote
reminded me of my Beloved Brittney Lea and
Amberlea, and you asked the question: How
do you get over this feeling??? I can't speak
for everyone, but for me, you Never do. It's
been over 4 years since my 1st piggie, Amberlea
passed on, and I still CRY like a baby when I
think of how much I miss her--

I know that Motah Loved you because you treated
her so well and gave her the Best of Care and
she's FINE now...Popcorning and Playing with her
new Friends at the Bridge. And you know as well
as I do that you will be reunited with her when
the time is Right and you'll hear those WHEEEEKS
again and see her Popcorning just like she used to.

Please accept our warm Condolences from Brownie
Bear and me and just know that we're thinking of
Muinea and you today...

     Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeps,
           Brownie Bear & Leah Slave

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