[Gpdd] Behavior: Piggie taking on more of my Personality

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 9 13:46:57 EST 2004

Hello Slaves!
I thought of some other similarities between
Brownie Bear and me, and you know me, I just
had to share 'em!

First, Brownie Bear only wants to Cuddle when 
she's in the MOOD. I used to think that she wasn't
a cuddling piggie, but she actually is--but
only when she's in the mood. I am the same way:
I'm very Affectionate, but only if I'm in the
mood. Like, if my Hubby tries to hug on me when
I'm reading my GPDD, I give him the Evil Eye. ha
ha! I know that's not nice, but if I'm not in
the mood or I'm occupied with something, Don't
Touch Me! :-) Hubby knows.

Next, Brownie Bear will sort of Push the Limit,
and try to get away with as much as possible. For
instance, if she wants something (i.e. a veggie
treat), and I don't get it for her, then she'll
do things like Bite me and Run. And I don't mean
that she draws blood or anything like that, she's 
just being bratty and letting me know that she's
not happy and I'm gonna hear about it! Yep, yep,
yep, I'm the same way. Since Hubby and I have known
each for 13+ years, obviously we know how to 'push
each other's buttons. So, if I don't get something
that I want from him fast enough, I get really
Annoying. Hubby says I'm like a kid starved for
attention. He's right. But, I just tell him that
I'm young at heart! :-)

Last, Brownie Bear is a Super Independent Piggie!
She can do it all on her own, she doesn't need me
for nothing! Well, after her surgery this past
December, she is more humble than she used to be
(But she's still Pretty Sassy!). And I am a super
independent woman who lived by herself for 5 years
and knows how to take care of herself--although now
that I'm married, I realize that it's kind-of nice
having someone else around to help you with stuff.

See? Like I told ya'll...
Brownie Bear and me are ONE!! :-)

          Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeeps,
            Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear :-)  

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