[Gpdd] HEALTH - scratching

Fri Nov 19 11:44:58 EST 2004

     I have written in once before but I didn't get any responses. My little eight month old gp, Bud, is such a sweetheart but he seems to scratch a lot. He's been in to see the vet and went through the three stage Ivermectin treatments. He finished up a month ago and the scratching is certainly dramatically better but he still scratches. He's never had any hair loss and, before he was treated for mites, his most notable symptoms were the scratching and biting at his sides and general grumpiness. He even got so grumpy he was biting me for no reason.
     Now he is cheerful, eats normally and his coat is soft, shiny and he appears the picture of health. He's gained a little weight since he completed the treatments but he still scratches often. He's a short-hair but his coat is actually quite long for a short-hair and very dense. He sheds some so could this scratching just be normal? With no other symptoms should I worry about this? Any ideas? Thanks.

Carla and Bud

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