[Gpdd] Health: Send some Love to my Brownie Bear

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 20 11:21:18 EDT 2005

Hello Slaves!
Sorry I have been away for a while. Daddy
Slave and I are in Happy Aruba having a
nice time (a much needed break) and wheee
have been on-the-go for the most part.
Wheeeee got here last Thursday and have
been doing all kinds of stuff. I didn't
get out of bed until 10am this morning I
was so tired. Wait a minute! I thought
vacations were for Relaxing?!?!? Yeah right!

Anyways, my Piggies are staying with Mary
Slave and are having the Time of their Lives
at Piggie Camp. They LOVE Mary!!! My Brownie
Bear has been losing a little hair lately
and she has a condition that Mary and Judi
(and Dr. Campbell) figured out, so medicine
is on the way as I type this. So, I just
wanted to ask you all to keep my B-Bear in
your Prayers and to send her a little Extra
Piggie Love if you would. She's not in pain
and she is eating and drinking normally.
But, I'm sure it's a bit of an annoyance for

Well, I gotta run. Daddy Slave and I have
to goto lunch and then we're taking a four-wheeling
tour (on ATVs) on the island. We're gonna get
really dirty, but it should be Fun. Daddy Slave
has to put on a TON of sun screen cuz the sun
here is Really HOT and he is sooooooooo White,
bless his little heart. ha ha

Oh, and yesterday, we finished up our FINAL
Dive test (in the ocean) and guess what????????
Whee Passed!!! We are now Official CERTIFIED
Divers!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!

I hope all Piggies and Slaves are doing well
and that the ones who are sickly will be feeling
better soon. Also, for the ones who have lost a
Special Friend, my Heart goes out to you.

And THANK YOU Mary and Judi and Dr. Campbell
for everything you have done and are doing for
my Precious Brownie Bear!!!

   Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeeeps,
     Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear and
                         Butterscotch :-) 

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