[Gpdd] [HEALTH] Wobbly Tea

sherry bevins ssbjune9 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 28 14:47:32 EDT 2005

Hi Claire,

My Sweetheart had the same symptoms that you describe your Tea as 
having...she had just finished a round of antibiotics for a URI that very 
day. In the evening, when I went to collect she and Golden for floor time, 
she was turning in circles and had a very difficult time standing. She also 
would make odd motions with her head...kind of backward and to the side. I 
guess I don't need to telll you that I was totally freaked out! I picked my 
baby up and held her close to my cheek and just cried. She was only about 3 
months old and had already had a serious respiratory infection that she was 
fighting to get over...our vet wasn't convinced that she would survive it. 
She and Golden both were being treated for URI's; we had bought them both 
from a pet store and both became ill a few days after we brought them home. 
Well, back to the vet we went...this time he thought that there was a 
problem with her inner ear, possibly mites, so she and Golden both were 
treated with Ivomectin (not sure how that is spelled...sorry!) injections. 
This seemed to take care of the problem, though she does have a slight head 
tilt to this day. We had some really tense moments with her in those first 
weeks...we hadn't had been piggie slaves but for a few months and knew so 
little about the types of illnesses that they can have. We've gotten a real 
education since then! It might be a good idea to take Tea to see your 
vet...if it is an ear infection he will need treatment.
Give him a hug for us, and we hope he gets to feeling better real soon!

Best wishes,
Sherry and the Piggie Pals

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