[Gpdd] MISC. - Rodeo Bud

SUSAN EASTIN susiathome at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 14 12:49:00 EST 2005

After enjoying your story about Rodeo Bud and the storm (laughing all the way!), I had to
reply.  Some who have been with gpdd a while may remember the story of the Okie Piggies
going to the storm cellar  one evening when all the sirens were going off, only to be the hit
of the party, having a very calming effect on all.  (unlike the cats that often get taken to these
events!)  Having followed the rodeo circuit myself for many years here in Oklahoma, it's a
wonder we never had this experience here.  I do recall more than once when a sudden storm
whipped through, knocking out lights and making a general mess. We would just sit in our
trucks, etc, and wait while someone repaired the damage and we'd go on with the show.
But I've never taken gp's to a rodeo - that would have to be a whole new way of life!
Yes, I'm sure RB is enjoying his winter months, as piggies do.  Mine mostly miss the fresh
grass and clover I bring them every day, but they just get more lovely timothy hay.
Please let us know if you ever venture as far as Okla. in your rodeoing - the Okie Piggies
will gladly don their cowboy hats and vests and welcome you!
Just curious - in the true spirit of rodeo personalities, does Rodeo Bud have his name painted
on the side of his carrier?  I'm planning to add that to our carriers . . . 
A tip of our hats to Rodeo Bud.
Susi and the Okie Piggies
Snowy, CocoPuff, Lil' Whistle & Rosie
Hotshot & Buzzz

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