[Gpdd] HEALTH: Boars and undercarriage cleaning

Lisa Choiniere lmchoiniere at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 4 08:57:27 EDT 2005

Hi there,
A while ago someone put up a post saying that they had cleaned a mucus plug out of their boar's penis and let us all know to check for that sort of thing. Well last night, one of my foster pigs WIlbur was acting a bit odd and so this morning when I checked on him and he was still acting odd I thought, OK, first check for impaction. 
I cleaned out the goo gland (which he made his unhappiness at being violated extremely clear by nibbling on me the whole time) and then I thought, well maybe I should check out his penis just remembering what someone had posted. 
What should I find there? A mucus plug! In his poor penis. No wonder he was acting punky! So I pulled that out of there but he had really gnawed on me by that time so I let him back in his cage to rest so I didn't get the rest of the waxy buildup at the base of the penis in that fold of skin, but I will work on that later. 
I was just so thankful that someone had mentioned that and I wanted to say a big thank you to whoever it was that brought it up! (Wilbur says thank you too, but he is a little embarrassed about the whole situation right now to say thanks in pig-son). He is already acting much perkier and I am forever grateful!
Be well all,
Lisa and the gang at Wheeks and Squeaks, including a very relieved Wilbur
Loving and missing Zippy and Jack so very much...

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