[Gpdd] (HEALTH) Food instead of Pellets HAY HAY HAY

Sandra Oliver-Poore oliverpoore at mindspring.com
Wed Jul 27 22:03:25 EDT 2005

For your little foundling who wont eat pellets,  never fear Hay is here. 
Hay is their preferred food both for nutrition and bulk.  Buy the best 
timothy or grass hay you can find,  a bale at a feed store will cost about 
$13 and last forever and double as bedding or a topper on your bedding. 
Think about it , this mimics their diet in wild just where he has been, 
Avoid alfalfa hay except as a treat as it has to much protein and calcium. 
Supplement with a wide variety of fresh vegetables emphasizing Vit C foods 
like tomatoes oranges bell peppers, etc,  Don't feed ice berg lettuce or too 
much sweet stuff.  When  he wont eat a new food have him watch his cage 
mates  or you eating it, this is how pgs learn to accept new foods.  Make 
sure he has lots of hay to eat 24/7  and the VIt C foods every day and it 
will be fine if he never eats pellets

The best in Hay and Pellets in the world esp for guinea pigs can be bought 
online at www.oxbowhay.com  along with extensive articles on small 
vegetarian animal nutrition

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