[Gpdd] Re: [health] lymphoma and sludge piggie

Lisa B cavylover74 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 17 22:33:08 EST 2005

I am so sorry to hear about Cocoa and her sludge problem.  There is a site that talks about the foods you can give to bladderstone and sludge piggies but I don't have it on hand right now because I have a different computer.  Hopefully someone else has that link.  You can find some links at guinealynx.com.

I am especially sorry to hear about Pepper.  Poor little girl.  Sorry I really don't have any info or advice for you.  I sure hope that she lives for a long time without any problems.  Is there anything they can do for her?  
The Guinea Girls are sending lots of wheeks and piggie kisses to both Pepper and Cocoa.
Please give both a big cuddle and some piggie kisses from me.
Lisa and the Guinea Girls


The "pigs" say, "Have a Wheeking Good Day!"

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