[Gpdd] Misc: European GPDDers

Luita Spangler luitad at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun May 22 07:04:41 EDT 2005

Hello Mikey,

Yes, indeed, there are plenty European GPDDers. We're spread ALL over
Europe - France, Germany, Finland, Spain, Italy, etc. (In fact, the
GPDD's creator is Italian!) I often read with envy of the various
pignics happening all over the States, as well as the opportunity to get
Oxbow products by mail. Our two consolations is the fact that Peter
Gurney is a fellow European (albeit in England) and that The Winking
Cavy, a wonderful piggie internet store, is also in England, and can
conduct direct transactions with the Euro as currency. By the way, for
all out there who can read German (Marion!), there's a very interesting
quarterly magazine called "Rodentia: Kleinsäuger-Fachmagazin" that
always has very interesting articles about guinea pigs in it, as well as
wonderful photographs. The latest issue has an article about vocal and
body language of the guinea pig. The magazine also has regular medical
articles about guinea pigs, too, written by specialists.

Bert and Ernie
All in Berlin

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