[Gpdd] HEALTH: Porgies IBS

LDoss44481 at aol.com LDoss44481 at aol.com
Sun May 22 12:01:32 EDT 2005

You are so lucky to have  Porgie.    Was it him I  saw for adoption as a 
"special  needs" piggie with IBS?  I wished I could have him here.  You  see, he 
and I  have something in common.  Not poos sticking  to our feet, but the IBS.  
I am able to manage it best eating fiber, fiber  and more fiber.  So I 
recommend "Timmy" hay, "Timmy" hay and more of every  kind of hay he wants.  Believe 
me I have been so close to eating Timothy  hay myself.  But there are usually 
people around. :)  I will  try some other foods on myself to see if I can 
come up with anything else  for him.  I can be Porgie's "guinea pig".

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