[Gpdd] Behavior: What do you do to get your pig to not chew the bars?

Carla Martinez cmartinez36 at houston.rr.com
Fri Nov 4 18:11:57 EST 2005

Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has a suggestion for how to get
your pig to stop chewing the bars of their enclosure? 

In the three years I have had piggies I have never scolded the innocent
little guys. But now I get worried because Snowball broke his tooth. I
think it was from the new habit of biting the bars when he asks for a
treat. If he could, I think he would grab the bars with his front paws
and shake them while screaming, "Hey! Get me a treat!"

Now I scold him, my sweet tiny little piglet. I clap my hands and say,
"No!" or "Don't bite the bars!" I move my finger to get between his
mouth and the bars. And I ignore him when he is biting them so noisily.
I think he might be getting the message, but I feel like a witch. I have
a hard time being strong and firm consistently and I'm having one of
those days when I hate being an adult. Any advice? Anybody relate?

Carla and Snowball with Snickers in our hearts

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