[Gpdd] [CARE] <A fun toy that promotes guinea pig chewing!>

Michelle Lazarus michelle.lazarus at jefferson.edu
Fri Nov 18 10:22:39 EST 2005

Hello all, this is my second attempt at giving out some helpful info.  I
keep forgetting to put the correct subject line in . . . .I wish I knew
where my brain was sometimes!  Anyway, my husband has made sure that I
send this out to you all because you all have been soooo helpful with
our questions, and as he puts it, it isn't fair for me to not share with
you all!  (not that it was intentional, I just forget!)
Anyway, I remember a while back that people were having trouble with
getting their guinea pigs to chew on things (which helps them grind down
those evergrowing teeth).  Well, my girls were having the same problem!
They just didn't want to grind on anything.  Well, I have two chins and
someone recommended this fantastic website that makes little coins made
out of all natural woods that promote chin chewing (since chins are
rodents too, they also need to constantly grind down their ever-growing
teeth).  Anyway, out of desperation and interest, I decided to toss in a
little wood coin for the cavie ladies, and low and behold they LOVED
IT!!!!!  Not only does it cause them to chew and chew and chew, they
think it is a fun toy to play with :-) 
So, I wanted to provide this info along with their website:
www.petproductsbynature.com, because they worked so well for us! 
I hope everyone is doing well and that your cavies are enjoying
Mommy Slave (michelle), Daddy Slave (Matt) and our masters:  Ella and

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