[Gpdd] Rainbow Bridge--Thank you

Mary Fran McCluskey faststats at faststatschecks.com
Wed Aug 16 14:15:49 EDT 2006

Dear Masters and Slaves,
Your kind words on the loss of our dear friend Brownie have been deeply appreciated and I hope I have written back to all of you who were so kind to send greetings and healing thoughts.

It seems like it never rains but it pours, so many piggies and pets crossing to the Bridge right now.

Nicole, visited the beautiful Oreo on her Pig of the Day website. So sorry about her and Gary.

Sherry--Whee know you'll be missing your Teddy Bear.

Liz--RIP dear Matilda and Noah.

James--So sad about Ginger

And Rachel--We're so sorry about Milo.

It's a comfort to me to think that they have their gpdd friends at the Rainbow Bridge and that they won't be all alone.

--Grieving Mary Fran and Cookie
RIP dear Brownie

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