[Gpdd] Virtual: Wedding activities

Carla Martinez cmartinez36 at houston.rr.com
Wed Feb 15 21:37:22 EST 2006

Hi Alge!  Great to get a report on the dancing from those piggies. I did
catch a glimpse of the tango display from the galley (where I assisted a
sous chef in arranging salads for color variety and delectability) Cooders
and Porky were precious. That's probably not the effect they were going for,
but there is nothing cuter than seeing a guinea pig tango.


Snowball loved playing drums for the Rumblestrut Blues with Wilson and all,
but later told me he really was missing his bro and buds, Snickers, Ebe, and
of course the writer/singer/ producer Beethoven. But all those pigs looked
so funny. They untied their neckties and hung them off their necks, and kept
on going. Good things pigs don't sweat because they played up a storm. Then
they did an encore: "Super-Wheek." All the pigs had a kick in the Conga
line. Even Brownie kicked up her demure little heels and wagged her behind.
The pigs love a good time! They were all just eating dancing singing and
hugging each other. The camaraderie was the piggies in their element.


The reason Florida Charlie and Wolfi couldn't be found is because they were
out on the lawn playing a version of rugby called pigby with some of the
local boys in the freezing cold. It's okay though because they had so many
layers on, all you could see were their nose tips. (I helped them bundle up)
They even got little football shoes with cleats from the Carrot Castle. When
they got done they pigged out on more wedding food!


As a wedding slave I also got to witness part of the preparations of the
carrot cake. HRP of course requested no icing, but there was a human version
which did have icing. MMMMMMM! 


The conga line reminded me of one of my all-time favorite TV commercials:
The one where the big black standard poodle is in the line. Do you remember
that? I just loved it when he would turn his head and kick out to the side. 


Well I don't know, some of the piggies sound like they want to go to Spain
or France tomorrow or Friday, so I'll see where they lead me next..There is
an off-chance they might get to meet Harry Pigger at Pigwarts, and I might
get to meet his slave and pawther (p+author=pawther) J.K. Sowlings.


More of you humans have to come next time. We can't carry all this salad
alone ;-)


--Carla, slave/mommy to Snowball, reporting from Oxford, England, United


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