[Gpdd] Misc. - Candle for Peter Gurney, Sunday, July 23 at 8 pm

Audrey Binder agbmcmd at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 20 15:12:53 EDT 2006

Let's light a candle in honor of Peter Gurney this SUNDAY, JULY 23, at 8:00 pm. We can share the moment with our piggies, and you don't have to calculate the time-zone difference, just light a candle at or around 8:00 pm.  As 8:00 pm occurs in each of the different time zones, Mr. Gurney will have a light in his honor that will move around the world.
  We can also do a similar memorial on his birthday, in March, but I think most of us would like to do something in his memory now.  I will remind and coordinate a March candle-lighting, here on the GPDD, and hopefully that will become an annual evert, every March.
  I know you are getting this post each day, but I want to be sure that everyone has an opportunity to participate, and everyone may not read the Digest every day.  I will continue to send a reminder until Sunday.  
  Also, if you know of any Guinea Pig organizations like the GPDD, in other countries, please let me know, and I will forward this announcement to them, so that they can also participate.

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