[Gpdd] Bridge: Martin Luther

Birdie Horn birdlonglegs at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 18 20:36:47 EDT 2006

Laura Grace and Perigrin Took (pippin),
  I am so sorry that Martin Luther  crossed the bridge and is no longer 
  able to feel your love first hand. However I'm sure that Martin Luther 
  is looking down and wishing he could give you kisses and tell you
  that is he happy and feeling well again. It is so nice that you could
  hold him and give him comfort and love in his final time here. I'm sure 
  that he was glad to have your comfort. You made a very diffucult and
  loving choice that was best for Martin. I know that he is thankful that he 
  no longer suffering and will be waiting for you at the bridge with more
  kisses than you could ever imagine. Bless you for being such a wonderful
  loveing slave to Martin Luther. 
  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  Birdie fellow gp addict and slave to Jimmy Jr., Spunky, Miss Perky and Miss Pooky. 


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