[Gpdd] Virtual: Cookie & Snowball

Mary Fran McCluskey faststats at faststatschecks.com
Wed Apr 25 14:15:39 EDT 2007

Dear PigOlympians and Slaves,
Hectic days here at LE Training Grounds. Now that we've been chosen as the ACTUAL PIGOLYMPIG SITE!!!, we are quite overwhelmed with logistics challenges. We need urgent assistance in preparing for the living quarters and FEEDING of hordes of piggies-in-training and their entourages. I am thinking hammocks, cuddle cups, ???. Sleeping under the stars on the beach. (All predators being banned from the environs for the duration of the P-Olympiad. Calling all slaves and piggies to the rescue.
Piggy-hang-gliding and water-skiing have been added to the events. Any takers?
Timekeeper Snowball has arrived and slave Carla and I happened upon reunited sweeties Cookie & Snowball last evening, he singing sweetly in her furry ear: (to the tune of 3 Coins in a Fountain):
Two pigs in a blanket,
Each pig happy to be here,
You, my piggie in a blanket,
You're the one I love so dear...
Piggie Dear...Piggie Dear....Piiiggggiiiieee Deeer (Two pigs in a Blankie)

Piggie love.....

Meanwhile ThunderBears team captain Little Bear has been too busy to look for a date (she's not even sure what that is). Maybe one of the construction crew might be available.

>From Olympig Village -- Lake Elsinore,
--Slave Mary Fran with CA Cookie & Little Bear
and oh, so many wonderful visitors.

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