[Gpdd] silly; cavaret

bubblecuddle at aol.co.uk bubblecuddle at aol.co.uk
Mon Dec 10 16:25:45 EST 2007

Hey all as Igorina said there is no need to know the plot whee are already making it up as my character Roxie doesnt even appear in the jail scene heee heee heee.

Jolly rodents the role of Matron Momma Morton is definetely a meaty roll with lots of sequins and a solo performance, she is the ruler of the jail house.

Duke maybe you could chew towels up into small pieces to use as confetti for the performance, seen as Igorina has for reasons known only to herself banned piggies throwing food at us, confetti would be good.

Catch you guys soon

Fugly the Famous

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