[Gpdd] [Health] - about Licorice

Kirsten McKnight kirsten.mcknight at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 23:55:12 EST 2007

Hello everyone

I was so sorry to hear about Patchouli and Chester and Stinkerbelle and all
the other piggies gone the bridge - it's so hard to lose anyone at anytime
but especially at this time of year. It especially grieves me to see posts
about piggies gone to the Bridge as I know I am very close to Licorice - my
first born - making the journey as well. He is only 4 years old but has
always been the bravest piggy. If we didn't have two rabbits he would
definitely be a full time free range piggie.

Licorice started having problems with his teeth this summer  - one broke off
and we took him to the vet when it didn't seem to be growing in straight.
Our vet trimmed it and his back teeth as well and said keep an eye  on the
teeth we may have to trim again. I had been reading all the posts about
teeth so truly appreciated the wealth of information that was shared as
always. The next visit we discovered that he either had an infection or
tumour on his jaw that was causing the teeth to grow in crooked. hoping and
praying it was an infection and could thus be treated we were to find out
in subsequent visits that it was a tumour. Our vet has been wonderful -
charging us minimal fees for each trim. We've been syringe feeding Licorice
for several months now - my husband has had very little sleep as he does
night duty. He's currently not working so is the house husband... it's like
having a new born baby! And heart breaking because the longer this goes on
the stronger our bond becomes. He's been sleeping with us most nights
between us. goes every where with us. Took him to church the last two times
we went because he needs to be fed so frequently. I know most people would
think we are crazy to go to this much trouble - but we both adore this
little fur-baby.... He is still chipper and happy. Runs around particularly
when he wants to be fed and believe me, he lets us know when he is hungry!
The wheeks, the cries.... if his food doesn't get mixed up fast enough he
will climb on on the food preparer's foot and if it still doesn't happen he
will often go trotting off looking for the other one of us to see if we can
satisfy his needs faster!

He's getting metacam daily for teeth discomfort and is on a pretty steady
diet of CC, peter often makes slurry out of pellets and grinds up timothy
hay as well. He also adds banana and applesauce which we normally wouldn't
feed in quantity but because Licorice loves it and it helps him want to eat
and we know he has very little time left we don't worry about it too much.
The other thing he really loves is peas and carrot baby food. We tried
pumpkin and squash for a while too. peter sometimes put a little bit of
coffee to stimulate his appetite. He is a third of the size he used to be
and tiny in comparison to the other piggies....

We are going try and take him to the vet tomorrow hopefully they are open. I
hope and pray that the vet feels Licorice is not yet ready to make the trip
over the Bridge.

sadly, Kirsten and the Critter Crew

PS Again, my sincere condolences to all of those who have lost a piggie
recently or this year or whenever.

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