[Gpdd] HEALTH Piggy with diarrhoea

Martha Coburn marthac at cogeco.ca
Sun Jan 7 12:45:14 EST 2007

Hi Pat,


Further to Penny's info on piggies with diarrhoea and the in take of fibre.
Something I have found quite useful for Sally and her constant tummy
troubles is dissolvable fibre. To boost her intake I use Benefiber,
www.benefiber.com <http://www.benefiber.com/> , it dissolves completely in
water, is non thickening and sugar free. You just can't tell it's there but
it certainly helps get things moving in a better way. Metamucil has also
come out with a similar product
http://www.metamucil.com/products/fibersure.shtml but I haven't tried it. 


Another thing that I do if a piggie doesn't want to cooperate with medicine
time is to add a bit of carrot juice. Sally can't stand Shillintong but I
add a little carrot juice to the mixture and she thinks she is dining out in
grand style!


All the best to you and Guinevere,

Martha, Sally, Poppy, Holly & Miss Otis



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