[Gpdd] HEALTH. Brownie Bear's surgery

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends at tesco.net
Wed Jan 24 14:50:22 EST 2007


We will all be keeping our paws crossed for Brownie Bear's surgery. I know how you must be feeling about it. I am paranoid about surgery myself, having lived through the years when first of all vets could do nothing for our little friends then were able to try but fail. I vividly remember my first successful op, when my Lima actually survived and went on to live a long life, thanks to a new vet's skills. This was about 18 years ago.

It is so much safer now with better anaesthetics but panic still sets in if one of my babies needs an op.

Poor BB cannot put up with all that pain and as she is losing weight you are doing the right thing in scheduling her surgery. I would do the same but with great trepidation.

We will all be thinking about BB and hope for success.

Best wishes from Penny and the Piggyfriends.

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