[Gpdd] [VIRTUAL] PigOlympics - Cilantro Pull

Suzy Dunser suzy at dunser.com
Wed May 23 20:19:04 EDT 2007

Hi Gordon,

Yay for cilantro!!! No, the honorable sport of cilantro pulling must  
not be allowed to die out! We thought we were too little to go to the  
olympics, but  our mum was just noticing yesterday that we are about  
twice as big as when we came home! Maybe PigAir has a partnership  
with our local airline, Qanpig?

Whee probably cannot compare to your cilantro-pulling prowess, as we  
have only been eating cilantro (or anything) for a few months now,  
but wheee looove cilantro! And it occurred to us, even if we don't  
win, at the end of it we'll have eaten heaps of cilantro, so we're  
all for it!

Happy munching from the leaf fans,
Rocky and Cocoa

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