[Gpdd] SYMPATHY: I am so sorry Julie

jaaladog jaaladog at bellsouth.net
Sat Nov 3 21:14:39 EDT 2007

Dear Julie,
We have never corresponded directly but I have read your posts on the digest 
and my heart is broken for you.  Nothing I can possibly write or say to you 
is going to make you feel better right now but I did want you to know I, 
along with all the others on the list, are feeling your pain with you.

I have not lost either of my piggies, thank God, but I lost my sweet Jaala, 
my guide dog to cancer a few years back and it has taken this long for me to 
truly be able to talk about her without crying, and that's not every time, 
either.  So, I truly do understand how you feel.  I will tell you this much, 
when she died, after I was able to compose myself, I sat down and wrote a 
story all about her and my time with her.  While I cried through it and 
still cry today when I read it, it helped me so very much to remember all 
the good times that she and I shared together and it did actually make me 
laugh a time or two.  It still can do that today when I read it again, which 
I do often.  Perhaps it would help you to do the same.  And please, don't 
feel as if this had anything to do with you.  I know it may feel that way, 
but just the fact that you feel this way tells me how very much you care 
about and love your pig babies.  Try to be strong and give yourself time to 
do a bit of healing if you need to.  I always like to try and get a new 
animal to love soon but I waited 6 months even for a new guide dog, and they 
are particularly important in my situation.

But, you will know when and if the time is right.  Please don't give up... 
people like you are needed in the piggy world.

With many caring hugs,

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