[Gpdd] MISC- fennel

Martha Coburn marthac at cogeco.ca
Mon Nov 5 19:47:51 EST 2007

Hi Jamie,


My girls absolutely love fennel as well. I cut it up similarly to Janneke
except instead of leaving it in 3 chunks for the three girls I cut it into
strips for them. They have a blast tossing them in the air and then munching
them down. The also love the fronds, sometime I just cut of the top part
with the frond off in one whole section and put it in their pen, they
usually have a great tug of war as they eat. In Canada and I don't know
where else another name for fennel is anise. For anyone interested here's a
link of what it looks like once it's out of the ground,
<http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=23> &dbid=23 


All the best,

Martha, Poppy, Holly and Miss Otis


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