[Gpdd] MISC: This and That

joan fagalde momcat1000 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 30 22:09:06 EST 2007

Hi Lynn.  Glad you posted as I was thinking about you today and wondering how things werewith you all.
  Unless there's blood and real biting, not nipping, just leave the girls together.  Remember, they are just teenagers.  Dominance can flow back and forth.  They're just "feeling their Wheaties" and testing limits.  In a few months, hopefully, they'll get over it! : )
  I wouldn't put the tree in the cage.  They will probably chew it and I don't think the dyes, etc. would be too good for them.  Also, be careful of the cranberries.  They have a high amount of sugar.  The Lady Bug gets a cranberry, maybe, once a week as a treat only.  They are a fruit afterall.
  Hugs and kisses from The Lady Bug (who is above such behavior) to Samantha and Tabitha.
  Joan, slave to The Lady Bug

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