[Gpdd] MISC Pig toys

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends at tesco.net
Mon Oct 15 17:53:54 EDT 2007

I've never tried the multi coloured pig toys but cut twigs from the apple and pear trees in my garden for the Piggyfriends to nibble. My piggies have always been much more interested in tearing up cardboard boxes and running through tunnels than playing with toys.

There are always bits of natural wood on the workbench in my garage if I was inclined to need them but if no-one in your house is into DIY you could always buy a piece of real wood or dowelling from a store and cut it into suitable lengths.

My cockatiels have toys in their cages - rings and strings of shapes or beads with bells on - but these are made of plain wood, which looks like beechwood to me.

Penny and the Piggyfriends.

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