[Gpdd] [ANNOUNCE] Condolences for Peppermint

Glynis Robson Glynis at garnay.com.au
Sun Aug 17 23:48:30 EDT 2008

Dear Corrine and Michael,
Please Corrine don't think like this, your dearest little Peppermint
knew how much she was loved and cared for by you both.  The fact that
you travelled so many miles and did everything humanly possible by
yourself is just wonderful i'm sorry the vets were so hopeless and
unable to reassure you or help you :(
When our little boy went to the bridge 2 years ago he did this as well,
he had been ill and then in his last hours he struggled and did the
gasping etc.....i've just relived it all with you and my heart totally
goes out to you, HUGE HUGS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm afraid once they've started their process of dying there's nothing
we can do, but exactly what you did and also what i did those 2 years
ago, hug them, kiss them and tell them how much we care and love them.
I'm absolutely positive she knew what you were doing for her, you sent
her to the bridge with all your love and this would then reassure her
Your other babies now need you even more as they will be greiving,
please go hug them and feel the love they have for you and that will
then start to help heal your wounds xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
RIP Peppermint a beautiful piggie who was dearly loved, you'll never be
forgotten by your family have fun at the bridge little one xxxxxxxxxx
Glynis and Duke (in mem Sully) xxxx

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