[Gpdd] [CARE} Snickers Surgery recovery)

warmbreath imwarmbreath at netscape.com
Thu Jul 3 18:06:45 EDT 2008

Dear Debra  and sleepy Snickers and Hi to Calico

I had a girl piggy spayed many years ago she was having hormone and female 
parts trouble.  I named her Brown Noise   as she was very gassy, so I 
learned a thing I would pass to you.  We kept her off all veggies for 2 
wheeks to minimize gas, and she was on Raglan, I don't remember if she was 
glued or stitched but my surgeon in Beaverton in a magician as a surgeon, 
all went well for 2 wheeks, then I put her back with her cagemates and so 
she started having gas which bloated her a bit.  She chewed right through 
the stitches or glue as the gas is what made it itch and she ate right 
through her bowel.  I loved her so dearly my magician did a bowel resection 
but is was too late, I live an hour from him. So my message is to be very 
certain to keep the veggies away for a while  to surgical piggies and the 
gassy ones for a long while, and modify this according to Snickers 
digestion. Remember you may have to give Vit C Tabs if they were getting 
allot of Vit C from them.  My basic piggie surgery message to you all that a 
true surgical recovery for a pig takes at least two months and I know this 
very well. I loved that girl pig with every fiber of my body and sole, she 
was a rescue from the humane society and she had a great few years with me 
and all the other girl pigs adored her too  She was a fine Penny Giggle
Sandy, Manny on holiday with the lovely Peaches and Cream and chaperone and 
adventurer Captain Jack, who is growing up allot


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