[Gpdd] Health - Cocoa is sick

Suzy Dünser suzy at dunser.com
Mon Mar 17 16:09:59 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I know I have been terrible posting - my life is crazy busy these  
days. I am still finding time to read the digests, though (can't  
survive without the occasional cup of tea!!), and I am thinking about  
all of you, especially those of you who have had to say goodbye to  
your piggies lately.

I am about to take Cocoa to the vet. When I went out to feed the boys  
this morning, both of his eyes were a little squinty and possibly  
wetter than usual, and the fur under his chin also looked like it  
might have been wet. Of course he ran away from me when I tried to  
pick him up to see what was going on, and I had to get the (human)  
girls to school, so I just called and made the appt. without  
investigating further - because, why do things always happen this way,  
we're supposed to go away for two days tomorrow. Anyway, I will write  
again later after I get back. I guess it would have made sense to wait  
till then to write the first time, but I'm a little worried and just  
wanted to write now. I'm going to take Rocky, too, for company and  
also just in case.

Wheeks and worried squeaks from Suzy, Rocky, and Cocoa

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