[Gpdd] MISC: Question, words

Algernon07 at aol.com Algernon07 at aol.com
Mon Mar 31 23:54:39 EDT 2008

Regarding's Captain Jack's status as a would-be Jolly Rodent (Chester and 
Charlie had to wait far longer just to be considered), during his first stage, 
that of applicant, is he a postulant, a neophyte or a novice? I'm almost sure 
that neophyte precedes novice but doesn't being a postulant come first -- or is 
it a higher rank then the other two? If he makes it, he has some work to do 
just to become a Jolly Rodent Jr. grade so he needs to get started.

     Wow -- sounds like he aspires to some kind of religious vocation!   ;)


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