[Gpdd] Health Update on Spunky

Birdie Horn birdlonglegs at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 30 23:33:10 EDT 2009

Hello fellow slave and masters,
Spunky is living up to his name. 
He is doing very well. He is responding 
to the Metacm and the Calcuim + D,
and the vitiman C. He is moving around
quite well. When I took him to the second 
vet who specialized in pet chroprtics 
he was back to running around on the 
table at the vet. We had come to the 
conclusion that Spunky must have had
a strain or strain. She felt he may have 
been with the missing disk in his back. 
I really think that Spunky got to interested
in one of the girls and when they rejected 
him he must have fallen or somehow to 
cause it. With the Calcium + D and the 
vitamin C and the pian killers that he 
was able to work it out and become 
mobile again. 
Either that or Spunky devisted a plan
to make Momma and Daddy Slave to 
worry. Seriously thou I do think Spunky 
was in pain by the way he acted. But 
Spunky is almost back 100% now and 
I'm sure he will be fine. 
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and 
Birdie (the relieved


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