[Gpdd] VIRTUAL Piggy Christmas Pirate Adventure

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends at tesco.net
Mon Dec 21 18:27:00 EST 2009

Hello Slave,

A quick message to say that we are all safe aboard the Black Pearl, which has been decorated like a wonderful Christmas tree.

The sun is shining, music is playing and we are all relaxing with a few drinks after our magical journey. Gingerbread is reminiscing with the Misfit Ladies. I am so glad that she decided to come as the warm weather will do her good.

I may not be run off my feet with Baby Puff after all as the Captain seems to have taken a shine to her. Does he know what he is letting himself in for, I ask myself?

We are all hoping to see Velvet and Onyx from OZ. Their Slave should have returned from her trip yesterday so maybe she has taken them to the airport today.

We all hope that you have not had any more snow.

Will send you another message soon.

Sapphire Piggyfriend.

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