[Gpdd] MISC GP Websites and silly story

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends at tesco.net
Mon Jun 15 04:36:07 EDT 2009


I loved your story about how Lucifer was named. The naming of names is very important and I often wait for the piggy to tell me his/her name before announcing it. Sometimes they arrive with a name which they do not like.

When one of my sons was at University, everyone in his study group was given a mouse to look after as part of a nutritional study. When the term ended he found homes for all the mice and brought his home. He named her Satan because of her glowing red eyes. She was the gentlest little mouse and because of all the handling she received during the tutorials, spending most of the time sitting on Kevin's shoulder eating biscuits, she was a wonderful little pet.

You asked about favourite piggy websites.

Mine are the obvious GuineaLynx  http://www.guinealynx.info/  and Peter Gurney http://www.petergurney.com/

Canny Cavies is fun http://www.oginet.com/Cavies/

I like Diddly Di's http://www.diddly-di.fsnet.co.uk/contents.htm  This has a good section for the beginner on introducing new piggies to a herd.

I have a look at Oinkernet every day though it was better when it had the live feed, when I could waste hours watching those piggies http://www.oinkernet.com/

Barmy4Boars is a must for this list. Badly written it may be but I always recommend it to anyone with a boar question.

I have a whole list bookmarked which would fill today's Digest so I will just end with the Winking Cavy Store for wonderful gifts for piggy lovers http://www.winking-cavy.co.uk/

And I must not leave out Mieke's SCAMPS blog. http://scamps-gpdd.blogspot.com/

Penny and the Piggyfriends.

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