[Gpdd] HEALTH Crusty eyes

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends at tesco.net
Tue Jun 30 10:28:59 EDT 2009


I can think of several reasons for crusty eyes.

My Rye sometimes has this in one eye only. He has a dermoid growth, which I can best describe as being like an extra bit of skin under his lower eyelid and our rodentologists reckons that this causes the occasionally runny eye. Piggy tears turn crystally and can set like glue if they are not wiped away. This extra thick skin causes Rye no problem, although it could be removed surgically if necessary.

Rye has to have his teeth clipped now and then as his molars on one side grow over his tongue. I know when this needs doing as he salivates profusely producing a very wet chin. I have a feeling that the runny eye and the tooth problem are closely related.

Tabitha's front teeth might be OK but it is possible that a problem is dveloping with her molars. Can you tell if her front teeth are level? The incisors often grow diagonally when the molars are going out of line. Have Earl check her out as it is easier to see this than feel it.

Elderly piggies often develop a runny eye but this is unlikely to be the case with your little girl.

Tabitha might have had some hay dust in her eyes, which caused the eyes to run but, as you say, the wet chin is a worry.

Keep checking on her in case her teeth do need attention. Make sure that she is eating up well. You might need to separate your girls for a while to make sure that Samantha is not getting all the food. If I suspect one of my Piggyfriends is not eating up, I put him/her into a separate pen and monitor him/her closely.

Of course, it could be the salt spray in her eye when she leans over the rail of the Pearl.

Penny and the Piggyfriends.


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