[Gpdd] HEALTH: Hershey's imbalance

GARY HESS joanhess4 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 22 15:02:56 EDT 2009

We made it in to the vet's early today. Hershey's head tilt is less severe than yesterday. She can walk now with her head off to the side, and shakily take food from us with undimmed enthusiasm. 
Last night Gary noticed her left ear was occluded with black stuff. Her head leans to the left. The vet took a sample and checked it under the microscope and stained it, only to find no pathogens. His efforts to examine the canal or drum were impeded, as the goo is quite solid and impacted. I understand his reluctance to administer antibiotics that may not be necessary or are of the wrong kind, as she's still somewhat bloated, and has passed pretty normal droppings for only a couple days. So she's staying in the hospital for saline ear flushes until he can visualize the eardrum. She's receiving an antibiotic injection, which shouldn't jeopardize her gut, along with fluids. Another day without my Hershey Girl. I couldn't believe how much I cried yesterday, which is a breakthrough for me, as I tend to be rather closed to such emotions. When I pick her up, I can ask about the EC parasite. If it's a protozoan, wouldn't flagyl treat it?
Also, she's on cisapride, not the weird-sounding drug my brain somehow manufactured. My heart and mind are weary, and I'm making mistakes.
My husband prayed last night that we'd be as big a blessing to Hershey as she's been to us. I'm hoping that'll be answered, "Yes!"
On the positive side, the air conditioning repairman is coming today! Whew! It got to be 85 degrees, as I might have mentioned. I even gave Hershey a dunk yesterday (lower body only) and some distance from a fan, just in case the heat was affecting her.
Keep the love coming! We need it.

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