[Gpdd] HEALTH Hershey

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends at tesco.net
Mon Sep 28 11:05:04 EDT 2009


I am so sorry that Hershey has lost her valiant battle for life. You must be devastated.

Re cage sterilisation, there is a small portion of the bun e.cuniculi link that I posted devoted to this. Here it is.


Of course, this article is only one person's opinion but another part of it mentions titres.

http://www.barbibrownsbunnies.com/ecuniculi.htm#EARLY%20CASE%20HISTORY -- near the end of the section.

I suppose that you need to read the whole thing before you make up your mind whether to have The Bun tested as well as checking all the other info that Sandy found.

I would dispose of all of Hershey's stuff, sad though it will be to part with it and thoroughly clean her cage as above.

Do you know for certain that Hershey had the dreaded e.cuniculi? If so, I would suggest that Puff does not live in the same room as The Bun, if this feasible and that her hay is always kept separate.

None of us know enough about this illness and we need our bun experts to help out.

Please accept our most sincere condolences of the loss of dear little Hershey.

With our deepest sympathy.

Penny and the Piggyfriends.

P.S. Welcome to Puff.

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