[Gpdd] health; Kidney Stones

M mfug at live.co.uk
Fri Dec 3 15:52:16 EST 2010

Hi Valentina, I am very sorry to hear that Charlie has kidney stones, I lost my little guy Fugly to them back in July.

Fugly had 4 stones one in each kidney and one in each ureta just outside the bladder, here in the UK it is pretty much agreed that kidney stones are inoperable, removing the kidney sounds like a huge risk to me.

My vet recommended hydrangea root tincture (if you are in the UK I can send you link to where I got mine let me know) the dose was 1ml twice a day for 2 weeks then 1ml once a day for 2weeks and then 0.2ml everyday for life.

I also got chanca piedra powder, I got this as a powder from Galens Garden (again a UK company) the dose is a large pinch everyday, this can be mixed with water and syringed or sprinkled on food, they recommended that when the symptoms cleared to cut back the dose until you find the right balance.

Rowantinex capsules were also mentioned but we never got the chance to try it.

As long as Charlie is eating and drinking for himself and doesnt seem to be in pain I would avoid an operation and try the herbal route.

If he is in pain you can give 0.4ml childrens liquid nurofen twice a day, I swear this gave Fugly extra precious weeks.

Unfortunately by the time we discovered his problem Fugly had liver and kidney damage so the prognosis wasnt good, hopefully you have found the problem early and the herbal meds will allow Charlie to have a full life, also both Fuglys kidneys were backed up and it sounds like Charlie only has problem with one which is much better.

I dont mean to scare you, I just want to give you the best advise I can.

Big hugs to you and Charlie I know exactly what you are dealing with

Best of luck, please keep us update


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