[Gpdd] Virtual: the Wedding

Mieke Staaks pandameisje at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 18:08:15 EST 2010

Hi Mommy,

we had a very good time at the wedding!

Chico had a good time eyeing loads of ladies, who did pay attention to him,
unlike us, we were way to busy with our dates!
I'm not really sure who he talked and dance with, but maybe some of the sows
who did,
will let us know. Chico does not want to tell us anyways...
Maybe he is hiding something?

Hi mommy Woopy here,
Spooky is such a darling to me. The ribbon looked perfect on me, and many
pigs have admired my low back dress,
thanks for making it! We spend most of our time dancing, talking or having
fun, the crows nest is a good place to get some time alone.
Oh mommy i think i'm in love, it's too bad the wedding is over already, and
we should come home soon.
I will hate leaving my darling Spooky.
Btw did you see his Valentine pic? it is soo gorgeous
Spooky promised me he would send you his pigture so you can print it and
hang it on cage for me to admire!

By the way, did you hear we are invited to Velvet and Onyx birthday party
the 12th of March!
I am so excited, I hope they celebrate it in Oz, cause i never been there,
and it's a lot warmer there then it is at home with all that snow!
Plus then I get to meet granny Glynis, wouldn't that be cool?

Hi Slave, Dunya talking,
I had a very good time at the wedding too, BarnacleBill has been a very
sweet boar to me, and has admired me dress and told me how good I looked in
BBill is a bit busy though being partly in carge of the ship and having to
arrange things with the captain.
I sure hope he's just doing that and not visiting and admire other sows when
he was not with me....
I hope he's not the casanova pig that peaches warned me about!

Well expect us home in a few days!

Love the Winky girls Dunya, Woopy and Valentine Chico

pandameisje at gmail.com
pandameisje at hotmail.com

Blog: http://pandameisje.hyves.nl
Cavia website: www.guinygirlz.nl

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