[Gpdd] Health: Guinea pig with asthma

ME me at buddies.org
Wed Jan 6 23:23:27 EST 2010

I don't think my pig has asthma, but she is very sensitive to dust.   
She wheezes every once in awhile, especially after cage cleaning and  
the addition of new hay.  It got better when we switched to bermuda  
grass (my vet recommended it since it's less dusty).  The last couple  
days she had the worst bout ... yesterday she had great difficulty  
breathing and sat fluffed up all day ... I listened and her lungs  
seemed clear.  I took her to the vet today.  He listened to her lungs  
and said she was clear ... and, of course, her breathing was quite a  
bit better by the time he examined her ... still a little noisy, but  
nothing like yesterday or this morning.

He suggested putting a drop of saline on her nostrils to try to  
irrigate it.  So, I tried it when I got home.  It was kind of hard to  
get a drop in the right place and I ended up getting saline  
everywhere besides on her nostrils ... at least it dries quickly ...  
but I finally got the area wet.  I can still hear her breathing a  
little (but not that loud), but after about four hours, she stopped  
sitting fluffed up and now she's running around more like her normal  

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